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JCSE Squadron Facility

AMC/USAF Design Award

MacDill Air Force Base
Tampa, Florida
77,095 SF
$19.2 M
Design Completed FY08
Construction Completed FY11

JCSE Second Floor Plan (Bid Option 2-16 APR 08)
JCSE Second Floor Plan (Bid Option 2-16 APR 08)

The Corps of Engineers (Mobile District) obtained the services of Blair Remy to program, plan and design the Joint Communication Squadron Element (JCSE) for a Design/Build RFP that will be used to solicit bids for design and construction of new JCSE Squadron Facility utilizing the one step Design/Build method. The JCSE Squadron Facility at MacDill AFB, Florida is located on Marina Bay Drive adjacent to existing JCSE Squadron facilities. The new facility accommodates four JCSE squadrons with a total of 470 personnel. A single building facilitates training coordination between squadrons, share common amenities, utilities and site construction for cost savings.

Major features of JCSE Squadron Facility include industrial-type JCS platoon work/training bays and central common area, administrative space for each squadron including squadron commander and staff offices, training classrooms, conference rooms, J6 Communications Equipment Room, etc. Other supporting facilities include utilities, paving, storm drainage, exterior lighting, site improvements, communications infrastructure backbone and AT/FP requirements.

Because of site restrictions, the JCSE facility is a two-story structure that incorporates space for ten troop bays, a common area, locker/shower areas, and necessary mechanical, electrical, and communications spaces on the first floor. The design of the second floor incorporates administration space, training classrooms, a break room, and restrooms. As required by the user, the troop bays and associated spaces are finished with industrial type materials to accommodate heavy use on a daily basis. The administration spaces for the new facility are completely finished in appearance.

Although the squadrons share common facilities and infrastructure, reflective of reduced building costs, each squadron operates independently. Each troop bay incorporates space for ten 15’ x 15’ team rooms. Each team room within its respective troop bay accommodates four to five personnel.

The new JCSE Squadron Facility was designed to meet the requirements to earn a LEED silver certification, however when the design-build contractor registered the project with the U. S. Green Building Council (USGBC), it earned an impressive LEED Gold Certification.